Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Well it is peaceful here at home today.

Early this morning we drove to North Platte to take DDIL and kids to their Grannies.

My DH had had an insulin situation in the middle of the night again, woke up and he was sweating, checked his Blood and it registered 27 which is not acceptible at 2 AM. He was atleast lucid enough to take 3 Glucose tabs so with that and an hour, it came back up. What a horrible disease for him and for me. I just feel very lucky that I am able to wake up, knowing something is wrong. I also have an injection, but at $100.00 per shot, and a several waiting day wait on reorder, I try to do other things to get it up.

Now for tomorrow, we are off to York to pickup four of my DGK to spend some time with us. It is really going to be exciting as it has been three years. We will go to Wilcox for the 4th, cook all kinds of food and just have a good time.

Every one get ready for plenty of photos...

I better get going, the ambien is kicking my rear end and ability to type..

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tomorrow - Tomorrow - Tomorrow

Here is a photo of the DH's Biological children, KC holding Emma Bledsoe, next is Lars, Shari and Jace Johnson, then Katie holding Eryn Bledsoe, in front of Shari is Trevor Johnson and way in front is Jackson Bledsoe. So there you have our house full.
The Bledsoe's have gone back to Wray, (yesterday afternoon). So tomorrow we will take the Johnson Family back to North Platte to their Grannies... This has been a rude awakening. They are great family, but when you are not use to having the clutter, mess, noise, and all that goes along with small children, it is nooooo fun.... Love them, but they are too young or maybe I am too old.
Now on Wednesday we go to pickup the four Omaha grandkids. Their ages are 15, 13, 12 and very soon to be 11. Trust me, there will be no diapers, food on the floor or attitudes!
Have a great evening....

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Half gone, more to come on Wednesday!

Well our house has somewhat returned to its sorta normal state when my DH's youngest daughter, husband and three ankle biters went home. We had a great time, mainly because the weather was great so the kids were able to swim and jump on the trampoline. They stayed away from the chicken pens which made me happy as I don't want my poor chickens in a tizzy.
Lots of food was eaten and some went to waste, but guess that is just normal with that many youngens.
Have a great what is left of this day....

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Well, DH's DD & DSIL (with 3 under 5 YOA) came from Wray, CO and DS came from Lincoln. I was tempted to got to the motel in Holdrege, but resisted. I must say they have been better then usual and so that helps. The really young ones are so very cute and quiet that if they were all like them it would be very peaceful.
We did go to Arapahoe to the new Bar & Grill for supper last evening. I was really thinking a sharp stick in the eye or acid in the eye would be less painful, but I was wrong. They were really great, surprised me....
Mack & Sadie have no food, as it has to be kept way up high. But they are very lucky as when the kids eat so do Mack & Sadie, off the floor.
Guess I better pay attention before the house burns down.
MH, Have a great sale, and hurry home......

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Three DGK under 3 - Makes for Loud House

Can't write too much, as it is too late in the evening, and as we elders like to say, I've had my pills!!! Know what I mean]

Tomorrow, one more DD, a DSIL and 3 more DGC are on their way to Grandpa's house.

This has been interesting, but I must say, these children have been shifted from one place to another and back again. So What is we have 3 more. Atlease my DH will have a DSIL to chat with.

Will write in the morning, now to bed or the floor will be jumping up to meet me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We went to North Platte today to pick up DH's oldest and her 3 little ones. It really was a delightful trip, Menards, them WalMart, gotta love Wally World. Took DH's Suburban, with 3 seats for all the Kiddy Seats. Got all loaded, took off, oh by the way it was 95 degrees, went about 10 blocks and DD (got that MH), had forgotten her cell phone. Now how do you forget your cell phone, one should have it on their body at all times. So back we go, since she was in the Way Back I went in to find the phone. Well Granny had to call the cell phone, and guess where it was found, Ya! under the couch, now what kind of cell phone user leaves their phone under the couch. Well off we went again. And home we are.

Well hope this finds all in good health and humor.
I joined an ATC (Art Trading Card) Swap on my quilting network. In case you haven't figured it out, I am a quilter and love it. The photos above are the ATC that I sent for the swap. I am really green doing this aspect of Quilting, the card shown was only the second one I have made and I would have sent the first one, but I screwed up the date so had to keep it for myself. the cards are like sport trading cards they are 2 1/2 X 3 1/2 Small litter burgers I must say. I did enjoy the process, but not something I would do as a business.
Better get off and visit (not my favorite), but the kids are asleep not!!!
Have a great rest of the evening,,,,,,

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The picture is of my sand garden and my butterfly house. Most people have never seen one, so here it is. It is very cool to see the butterfly, normally Monarchs, fly up to the house with their wings up, land then walk into the house. They come around in the evening, drink from the pans and then off to the house they go.
What a day, hot hot hot, 98. I mowed the yard this morning, awaiting the crowd of family due tomorrow and Friday. I am excited, but as with the normal Grandma, I will be glad when they all go home. It is unusual for our house to have so many children under the age of 5, so it will be different. One or two would be a chore, but think of it, six???? Oh well I will survive. Then next week on the on Wednesday I go to pick up four of my DGs. They are 15, 13, 12, and soon (7/7) to be 11. I have our pool filled and heating and the trampoline ready for bodies to be jumping. They all like to cook, so will be a busy and hot kitchen.

I have cleaned until my hands are sore. Guess if I would do it more often it would help, just kidding.
I had to put all my quilting things away. It is hard for me as I really like to sit at a sewing machine and sew. Oh well, that to will wait until all the DGs go home.
I did get some apron fabric so will maybe have my GDs make themselves aprons for the kitchen.
We are off to North Platte in the morning to pickup DH's oldest with her 3 little ones. Wish me luck!!!
Better get off to bed, want to get up early and bake before it gets too hot.

Monday, June 22, 2009

This is going to be short, and by the way, Mike did Connie get a new Shih Tzu?

Today was a horrible, Hot, Busy Day.....DH took out our old AC Friday to replace with a new energy efficient unit. Well, as always, the process took days instead of hours. The wall needed to be reinforced and redone. Oh well such is life in the country.

I tried to make some small purses for the farmers market, but DH's daughters with 6 GKs are coming so have had to put away all my machines and fabric.

It is late, the air is in, I need to go to bed. As we like to say, I will be Ambienized soon, then who knows what I will say.,

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Good evening from beautiful Edison, NE.

Seems like this was a very busy day, Church this morning after driving 45 miles to get there, Oh by the way, my DH is the pastor. Then to Holdrege, lunch then to the feed store for chicken feed. Boy, the 40+ chickens we have really eat up the food. Problem is that the ducks seem to like to scatter it all about. I am posting a photo of the critters, Quick has the small headdress and Quack the large one. In this photo, Quack is standing by while Quick washes her hair. Boy what a treat they have been. I can spend a great deal of time out at their pen watching them. Now they have two pools, so they will go from one to the other. Fresh water like you seen in this photo is a real treat to them. They will swim about then walk about, which can be done in the same pool, as they are just kiddy pools.
It was hot and humid his today and since our air conditioner is broken and the new one won't be in until tomorrow, I will have to listen to my DH whine for a while. Trust me, and my friend MH can testify, he can really Whine!!! when the weather is hot.
Hope all had a great and happy Fathers Day.
We went to a beautiful wedding yesterday in Holdrege, NE. The groom's parents are members of the Pleasant View Christian Church where my DH preaches. The wedding was at a Luthern church which was just beautiful. Then the reception was at the Ag building. My DH said that he felt he should have gotten up and auctioned something, as he has auctioned tools in the building for our friend Mike Loper. I'd like to say those were the "Good Ole Days", but I'd be lying....
Ran into and spoke with my BIL's brother, Steve at the reception. He hadn't changed much from the high school years. As with all of us, we are older, slower but happy.
It's going to be a hot humid day here. Our air is being replaced, so am hoping it get finished this afternoon or I will not be a happy person. DH and a friend took it out on Friday and found that the whole window needed to be replaced. DH worked on it most of yesterday until time to go to the wedding, but should be able to get it all bavck together this afternoon.
We will head to Wilcox to church this morning, go through Holdrege at noon for lunch and chicken feed, then home again to get the air up.
Concert in Oxford tonight so will be a pretty busy day.
Need to get some work done first of next week as DH's oldest from NM will be here Tues or Wed with her three (under 4 yoa) for a week. Friday his youngest daughter will come from Wray, CO with her 3 (under 4 yoa) Think I will need a motel room!!!
Hope all has a great day....

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Too early in this day to decide how it will be.
Up early, have garden to water, chickens to feed and clean pens, then off to a wedding this afternoon in Holdrege.
The wedding will be late so am not looking forward to having to be dressed up so long.
Have one quilting project started but need to put it up as the next few weeks will be consumed with grandkids.
Hope everyone has a great day...

Friday, June 19, 2009

This is my first post. I was given the web site by a friend who is on the road for a tool company. He has started his own blog, after enjoying a mutual friend's blog who is retired and also on the road with their RV. If all that makes sense, then GOOD for you.

I am a machine quilter with a HQ16 machine and 12' frame. Although I do not make quilts for customers, I do the next to the final step by sewing, in a decorative manner, the three components, i.e. pieced top, batting, and backing together. The last step is then to bind and label the quilt and then it is ready for use. Many machine quilters use a computerized machine, I do what is called free-motion. Meaning I make control the machine in such a way as to form stars, hearts, feathers, or whatever.

I also love the process of making my own quilts and quilts that will be some day given to my children and grandchildren.

I am in the process of making my second Art Quilt, which is of my nephew. The first art quilt I made was for my husbands son, KC. His beloved dog "Shelby" died so I made a memory quilt from a photo of her. Attached is a photo of the finished quilt.

Enough for now.

Thanks for reading.

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