Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fun Times

The group in Connecting Threads - Love of Art Quilts is having a challenge.  Our hostess too a photo, broke it into 12 pieces and each of us made a block out of what we saw from the bit of the photo.  Mine is off in the mail, to Becky Ray, and boy was it fun.  Here is what my portion of the block looked like, first the photo then the piece I did.

We are off to an Exotic animal auction today, which in hick terms just means, lots of Chickens, Pea Fowl, Ducks, and Geese, maybe a few pigeons, thrown in for good measure. I have my camera packed, as this is a new experience for DH and I. We will drive up to the Sandhills, about a hundred miles for the auction. We would have liked to take the RV and stayed for the exotic hooved animals (goats and such) tomorrow, but DH is on vacation from Church, so we want to visit some friends churches. He is really looking forward to sitting in the pew for a couple of weeks. The ole RV will, we hope be heading to the lake Sunday afternoon, that is if this weather straightens up, it has been way too cold for my blood.

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