Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More work to do and some play!

I have been working on several customer quilts one of which is this one from a customer in California. I have watched her go from very basic with 1/2" seams to this beauty perfectly stitched. She tells me she is now working on a quilt with triangles which is giving her a little compitition, but I know she will get it done and it will be fine.

When I agreed to help with VBS, we had one specific project we were going to do, and that was make parachutes for The Voice of the Martyrs, project. That whole story is too long, drawn out, and has not happy ending, so I will just say, I now have the parachutes finished! Today they will be mailed off to the Missionary in Columbia, and I can wipe my hands so to speak of the project!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When it doesn't feel right, it is time to call it quits!

Well it's official, I gave up, gave it a real go, but couldn't get done what I wanted, so, "hasta la vitsa baby". I will take it off the frame in the morning, head to the quilt shop, and start over. No regrets, just painful when I have to declare defeat! I feel good about it though, could be worse I could have more hours into it. What am I talking about, well I had to give up on my county block, way not what I wanted, so am starting over. It's a Good Thing, as Martha would say. Funny thing is, this morning when I was trying to post the photo here, it would not go straight. As you can see, it is sideways, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what the problem was, so I just posted it the way it was. Well, I should have listened, I think God was trying to tell me something.

An old friend of my passed away yesterday, I hadn't seen her for 20+ years. But through the powers of Facebook, we reconnected for a short time. Sunday as I was looking around at friends on FB, I came across some photos of her. I have not talked to her for quite a while, but did know that she had cancer, but did not realize how bad. When I saw the photos, she was bald and on oxygen, very sad. Well yesterday morning I heard from another friend, so I emailed her and said "I see Deb is sick, do you know how she is?" Jackie wrote right back, "she passed away this morning". Yes just another way God talks to us, I should have called on Sunday when I saw the photos, but as usual I chose to get my information second hand. When will I learn? To my old friend Debbie Vreeland, "Rest In Peace, your pain is gone and you are with our Lord and Savior".

Busy time of year!

Here are a few things I have been working on the past month or so.

First, in June our local Quilt Group was asked to participate in making quilt blocks for the Exhibit Hall for the Nebraska State Fair. Now keep in mind that the State Fair has for ever been held in Lincoln, NE, which is in the eastern part of the state. Now the State Fair is a mainly exhibits and compitition from the farm communities, livestock, garden items, baking, clothing, quilting, and such. In the years past folks from the western part of the state that showed goods would have to drive 2-3 hundred miles to participate in the fair. So I had been determined that the fair would move to the middle or a more convienent location. Now it will be held at Fonner Park in Grand Island, NE. I agreed to make the block to represent our county. So far it has been a nightmare, but I will get through it. Here is what I am working with:

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