Sunday, July 25, 2010


These are three quilts I finished in between family visits. The first one was a favor for a young girl from nearby who was entering it into the County Fair. Her mother had called me asking if I would do it, since at the time I had nothing on the frame because of having family visiting, so I agreed to rush this quilt thru. Now, hind site, I would have done things differently.

The two baby quilts were for a customer who was unaware what the sex of the child would be, so what better, make two!!

Well, it has been a long yet short month, first having five of my grandchildren here for a week was an awesome time. I love having them here by themselves, without the benifit of parents hindering their comings and goings.\

Then last week we picked up my husbands eldest daughter and her 3 boys. Such a good time with them as well. Although they are much younger then my grandchildren, I enjoyed having them for that short time. We put water in the pool and they had a good time swimming, jumping on the tramp, then back to the pool. I think the chickens are glad that they left, not that the kids bothered the chickens, but it was just someone they did not know here.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Grandkids - Love them all

Well the past week has been an awesome ride, with five of my six grandchildren here for the week. Last Sunday we met my daughter in law and brought the kids here. I call them kids, but they are young adults, 2 - 16, 1-14, 1-13, and 1 - turned 12 on Wednesday! What a great time we all had.
Each evening, we drove to town, 8 miles away and helped with Vacation Bible School. The two older girls helped me make parachutes with the kids for the Voice of the Martyr. It was not a fun project, as it was to be the childrens craft, so since we sent the parachutes off to be dropped out of an airplane, they went home with nothing, not a good thing, but wasn't my call. It was fun to teach the kids to sew.

Another thing we did was pick cherries from the neighbors tree, here is a photo of the pie we made and consumed in just a few hours.

The girls and I started a scrappy quilt with will be a long time making, but will be worth it in the end. They had a hard time understanding the process, but that is a given when it comes to learning something new. I look forward to future sewing time with them, as they are just ready to learn and truely absorb the information.
More to come later!

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