Friday, June 11, 2010

Mission Trip - Omaha Urban Plunge

A week ago today 17 of us loaded into three Suburbans and off we drove the 4 hour drive to Omaha, NE. Now I lived in Omaha for 30 years, but it has been 15 years since I moved back to my hometown of approximately 900 people. What a change that was at the time, but now I realize how safe I have been during that time.
A lot of things have changed in Omaha in 15 years, but the inner city is still there, much cleaner I must say, but still the drugs and crime.
The weekend was a blessing to all that participated, I think of everything we learned, the love of our fellow man ranks right up there.
We first went to see a after school program for the youth, they are fed and cared for by trained educators. Next we went to a homeless shelter, and prayed for the people who frequent there. It was not only men, just as many women checked in for a nights rest on a mattress and a warm shower.
We sorted clothing and food, that is given out by the pound to those in need. We went to the Open Door Mission, then to a safe house for women or men who are abused. We went to a nursing home, and realized that not everyone has family who care about them.
On Sunday we went to two church services, one with a fairly poor congregation and one with a well to do group.
Last week was a week of resting and catching up on lost sleep and getting our muscles back in shape. One thing was decided, we are going to work in our community to better life for some that we have right here in need.
We started Wednesday night with a prayer walk down town in preparation for our communities annual celebration, Turkey Days. Then last night we set up a grill on main street and cooked hamburgers, chicken, and tenderloin, for the carnival workers. What a blessing.
I am working on getting Meals on Wheels here in Edison, we have way too many elderly who do not or can not cook for themselves.
Pray for our little towns!

1 comment:

  1. CQ - how wonderful to not only go elsewhere and help out, but to return and get busy right where you are to reach out to those in need. Often we go away and do our "mission" and then come home and life returns to normal. I love that you fed the carnival workers and are working on other terrific programs for those in need. Bless you.


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