Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The bad has been taken off!

Well I have figured out how to get the bad taken off this blog. You see there were comments made to some of my days that were from Asian Bloggers, these bloggers posted some not so good photos to the comment area of my blog. If I learned anything I learned to set my preferences to * always preview comments*, so that this sort of thing does not happe. again.
Sorry Renee, I will do better commenting on my blog, as I have several things going now so will get this moving.
Thanks to all - and a special thanks to Micheal, for finding the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so sorry.. you were serious. If you said comments I would have realized it wasn't meant as a joke. I feel so stupid, and I am sorry that happened to you.
    I am glad that you got it taking care of. I do love the art group that you started. Thank You for sharing your talent with us, and for creating a group of so many talented members.


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